
EasyBoards® allows extremely flexible management of boards. You can build them with the needed structure to support any workflow. It is sometimes useful to build multi-layered Kanban boards to keep teams’ work in one place.


Kanban Board

Boards can be freely configured to reflect and manage any process and provide full transparency. All work items are visualized as cards, allowing each invited board member to view the status of work, update and collaborate according to configurable privileges.



Be free to organize your board as it is optimal to support work. Draw horizontal or vertical sub lanes, as many as you need without nesting limitations. Set lanes characteristics (aspect, size), behaviour/status for cards and details as needed. For example you can define if a lane is a backlog, commitment, work in progress or delivery point for the tasks.


Explicit policies

Declare and describe the policies linked to each lane (and work status), thus incrementing significantly the quality of the work done.



You can organize and quickly work creating Scrumboards where to manage Scrum sprints. EasyBoards provides the integrated support of the most successful Scrum tools, such as Burndown Charts and Planning Poker.


Board templates

Accelerate and standardize the creation of suitable boards by building board template that can be used to initialize new boards.


Invite participants

Invite participant to a board, one by one or by group, with automatic notification.


Manage privileges

Set the privileges to view or edit tasks, manage board, collaborate, access to reporting, etc. Do it for specific resources or for entire groups.


Search & filter

Search boards for content in cards an get results in a list or filter the content visually in boards (highlight or show only the matching cards).


Archive and restore

Archive a full set of lanes with the included tasks (cards) when no more useful in the board (e.g. a completed sprint). Search archived lanes and tasks in the repository of archived items and restore lanes back to the original board if needed (including sub lanes and included tasks).



Organize your boards in dashboards for easy access and overall visibility.